Everything Changed When I Became a Mom.

I believe in hard work and adding value to the world.  I also believe in love, happiness and family.  I spent years achieving all the milestones...the graduations, the career, the wedding, the house.  I loved my life.  But, deciding to have a child challenged my values like nothing else.

I mean, navigating life as a professional is hard (e.g.,  culture of overwork) and then I added trying to get pregnant, miscarriages, being pregnant, giving birth and becoming a mother.  WTF?  I didn't know how to be a kick ass attorney and a kick ass mom.  Was it even possible?

Over time, I realized that many people's judgments and assumptions about me as a lawyer and a mother were BS.  The strongest and most empowered I ever felt were during the natural births of my three sons.   But, it was not until my third child that I fully embraced that being a professional and a mom was my vehicle of growth.   It can be yours too.

learn from others.
embrace the overwhelm.
hit the ground running.

Hey yo!  I'm Theresa... a former cheerleader (and always one at heart) and math geek who became an Intelligence Analyst for the Army Reserves, obtained a bachelor's degree in philosophy (plot twist!), spent a few years in the workforce and then headed to law school.  I've been a successful attorney for over 15 years and in that time had three amazing little boys!  

My superpower is helping working women stop struggling and use their journey of motherhood to become the best version of themselves and live a joyous life with kids while continuing to have a successful career.  

Like many, I worked to build a career that I was proud of, including logging a bazillion hours at a big law firm.  I wanted kids, but I honestly didn't now HOW to squeeze more into my life.  But, I saw others do it, so I knew I could too.

I don't do anything half-ass.  I was determined to be an amazing mom and an amazing attorney.  I did what I do best...I used life as my school and gathered all the best parts into my tool box.  I learned strategies from incredible women.  I read books, hired professionals, scoured websites and message boards on childbirth, raising a baby, work/life balance, self-improvement, what GERD is, breast pumps, baby sleep problems, efficiency and everything in between.  My main goal is to teach others everything I know about birth and motherhood from a working mom's perspective.  I want you to start your journey with an empowered mindset and bag of tricks that will lead you to the life you want. 


Good conversation, planning adventures, delicious cocktails, calming breaths, teamwork, dreaming big, but appreciating the small.


Unkindness, brutal honesty, fish (I just can't), judging others, perfection, a spotless home, horror movies. 


Chilling on my orange lounge chair in the backyard watching my kids play and getting drenched with a water blaster while listening to a podcast.

daily rituals

Morning coffee/milk time with my youngest, positive self talk, exercising with my Peloton crew, applying stuff that makes me soft and smell good, daydreaming.  





Ted Lasso

Sparkling water

We the People

Nachos, of course



Fiona Apple

Let's go!

About five years ago, I was  overwhelmed and a little lost.

I had two little boys, my husband and I worked full-time as attorneys, and while I was happy, I felt like I was running on a hamster wheel.  Then, we got pregnant unexpectedly.  I was apprehensive, then elated, then devastated.  We were told the baby had a genetic defect that was "incompatible with life".  (Darkness...all the darkness.)   

Fast forward to the happy ending.  All the self-reflection and therapy created a new me.  We got pregnant again.  (Look at that face.)  Everything felt new, different.  Like a blessing.  Don't get me wrong...It's still hard.  But, now the journey of being a working mom of three feels like the journey of a warrior.  Like I get stronger by the minute.  You will too, my friend.

i can help because i've been there

don't start from scratch.  i got you.

This      That











night owl

no topsheet




Enough silly talk.  Here's where I stand on the super important stuff... Agree / disagree? 

My Favorite Things

Hanging out with my boys outside — you know, being casual.  Bwa ha ha!

my happy place!

The Beach! Grabbing an Air BnB with my extended fam in Newport Beach and enjoying the view and company! 

I'm ditching my business casual and curating  my work-at-home wardrobe. I love color and this Diop shirt is all kinds of wonderful!  www.weardiop.com 

My Favorite Things

Sparkling water.  We drink it by the caseload in my house.  It is a sickness.  But, hey, we're well hydrated!

my guilty pleasure

Tacos. Nachos. Burritos. I could eat them (with a margarita) for every meal.  Sushi Schmooshy.

Figuring out ways to better myself and take it to the masses!

“Being an amazing mother and a successful professional is not a contradiction.  Some may want you to choose.  But you don't have to."

so she says:

Hey there!   My mission is to help working moms get through life easier, happier and stronger.  Click below to sign up for my email newsletter and you'll have a new person supporting your journey and cheering you on.  (Who couldn't use that, right?)  Let's do this!

Interested in having a new friend on your squad?