It's a Podcast, but it's Also a Revolution

It's time.  Step into your power.  Yeah, being a working mom is hard and there are obstacles, gaps, glass ceilings and judgments (oh, so many judgments).  But, together we can create our own reality.  

Professional mom squad


I have a girl crush on us.  My main goal is for you to feel empowered and ready to conquer any goal you have.  The journey of motherhood is not something that should bring us down, it shows us what amazing people we are.  

Lots of Love and Inspiration

Practical information 

Although we have big goals, daily life must go on.  You'll hear from me and others as we share all the tips and tricks we use to get through life as a professional mom with joy and with minimal breakdowns (from the moms or the kids). 

what you'll get here: 

A Dose of Social Activism

We need to make the world friendly for us and the women and girls that come after us.  Whether it's reproductive rights, equal pay or just a little R-E-S-P-E-C-T, we're here to get it, sis. 

Let's do this!

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Five Steps for Living Intentionally

That Time I Had a Miscarriage in Las Vegas

My Mission Statement and Feeling Fear But Doing it Anyway

Start here:

featured shows:

I'm Theresa, your podcast host and personal cheerleader

I'm an attorney and mother of three boys who dreams of creating a super squad of amazing women to change the world.

more about me

hey there!


You do so much.  You deliver at work, but you probably earn less pay than your male colleagues.  At the same time, there's a good chance you also do more of the household and child care duties than your spouse.  Or you're doing it all on your own.  It's hard.  You struggle.  We all do.  

I see you.  I'm here for you.  Let's flip the script.

My superpower is helping working moms use the journey of motherhood to become the best version of themselves while living a joyous family life and having a successful career. 

let's work together

Professional Mom Squad is always looking for people that have stories and wisdom to share and want to make a positive impact on the lives of working moms.   If that's you or you would like to recommend someone, click below! 

Interested in being a guest on the show?

How to Create Time for What Matters

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Achieve Your Goals By Finding Your Ultimate Why

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