Welcome to the Professional Mom Squad podcast! I’m so glad you are here.
In this first episode, it is time to get acquainted with each other. While I want this podcast to be about you, P-Moms, I think it is important to introduce myself.
I am a 44 year old attorney who is a mom to three amazing 3 boys (2, 8 and 11 years old). I’ve spent 15+ years practicing law in Los Angeles, primarily in the financial industry. I like staying fit and eating peanut M&Ms, while trying to improve my plant-based meal repertoire. But, sometimes I just make Totino’s Pizza Rolls and call it a day because I’m human and they are oddly delicious. I’m a wife to Sean, a daddy/hubby/lawyer/rockstar/baker. We love the Dodgers. (Hello, 2020 World Series winners). We like singing, dancing, hiking, having fun, Marvel movies, and the Hamilton soundtrack is a constant in our home.
I pride myself on trying my best at everything I do. But, honestly, getting pregnant, breastfeeding, being a working mom,…it was no joke. And I’ve been through Army basic training! Being a P-Mom is way harder than I ever imagined. For me, motherhood has been a journey of a warrior.
When I first became a mom I asked myself how can I just keep everything the same and then just add kids.
You cannot.
The challenges keep changing, things are different. There is always something new to figure out. Once you think you are in a groove, more change is around the corner. And let’s not forget the judgment, the expectations, and the inability to take care of your personal needs.
All our journeys are different. But, there are many, many similarities among working moms. I believe in this podcast we can show up together and admire what badasses we are.
In this first episode, I have a complete Jerry Maguire moment and tell you my mission for starting the Professional Mom Squad podcast, including my obsession with former Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg and my girl crush on working moms. So, here’s the moment where I ask, “Who’s coming with me?!” I hope you channel Renee Zellweger and say “I will come with you,” Theresa! I called the podcast the Professional Mom Squad for a reason. We are better together, sisters.
Trust me, I’m a tough cookie who liked to think that she could do it all on her own. I believed accepting help was weakness. It is not. True strength is knowing when you need help and accepting it. True strength is being vulnerable and allowing others in. As a squad, we are much more capable and powerful.
Imagine if someone spent a decade making mistakes and learning and then passed all that knowledge on to you so you could START from there. Imagine what you could do. Imagine what we could do. That is the Professional Mom Squad.
Ok, all this is well and good. But, let’s be real for a sec. It’s fun to start something new and follow your passion, but it can also be totally terrifying. I’m typically viewed as someone who is confident, but I spill the whole truth in this first episode, which is as follows. Although I’m ready to roll and excited, I’m also completely freaked out about putting myself out there, creating something new, speaking my truth, learning new things, creating overwhelm, and, of course, failure.
But, look, if we’re uncomfortable, we’re learning. And if we’re learning, then we are NOT failing. I’m down with that. Ao, I feel the fear, but I’m doing it anyway. Onward and upward, friends.
Follow me on Instagram: @professionalmomsquad and @mstheresabangert
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This podcast is awesome! I loved the first episode and look forward to more from Theresa! Thanks for creating this for professional moms!
Thanks Keisha! I appreciate the support!