Life can be tough and having a few inspirational books handy to keep us motivated and moving forward is helpful. Some books can even be life changing. I certainly have a few of those on this list.
While it’s hard for me to pick my “favorite” anything, books included, I came up with a list of ten for you to consider. There are so many amazing choices out there. But, these are what spoke to me at the moment. Enjoy!
1. A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle
I bought this book on audible because I heard Rupaul Charles talk about it as life-changing. But, when I started listening, I couldn’t get into it. I think it was a combination of the sleep-inducing cadence of Eckhart’s voice and my situation in life at the time. Sometimes, you’re just not ready for a book, you know?
But, after listening to him and Oprah discuss the book on the SuperSoul Conversations podcast, I got hooked. It was definitely a life-changer the second time around. Eckhart delivers such pivotal nuggets as…worry and stress accomplish nothing. Only action can improve the future. Simple concept. Major impact. I view worry completely differently now. (And in case you wondering, it’s pronounced Toll-ay. You’re welcome!)
2. Anything by Brené Brown
Brené is my secret bestie/personal guru. She makes me want to be a better woman. Seriously though, her books, such as The Gifts of Imperfection, Daring Greatly, and Dare to Lead, are full of wisdom delivered through honest and relatable stories. Her humility and humor are irresistible. You can’t help but love her. Brené is creating a massive army of the wholehearted, which I have joined. I hope you do too. Although it is over a decade old, if you haven’t seen her original Ted talk, watch it here. Even if you have, watch it and fall in love all over again.
*It’s not technically a book, but her program on the “Power of Vulnerability” is fantastic. It’s available here on Audible. It’s over six hours of teachings but is worth every minute. I’ve listened to it three times!

3. Anything by Anne Lamott
Have you ever heard anyone say, just take it bird by bird? That’s Anne Lamott. Another storyteller, Ms. Lamott is at once extremely profound and utterly approachable. Many of her books are short and easy to read. If I had to pick a favorite, I couldn’t. But, if you forced me, it would be “Help, Thanks, Wow” because its message, delivered through her life stories, is so pure and simple. Ask for help, be grateful, and be in awe of the world. “Bird by Bird” is also a great choice. It is probably her most famous book and if you have any aspirations as a writer, you should definitely check it out.
I always enjoy the opportunity to hear an author speak or read their work. If you are similar, then check out Anne’s Ted talk about the 12 Truths. You’ll get a glimpse of her quirky charm and humor.
4. Untamed by Glennon Doyle
Glennon is another secret bestie of mine. I’d prefer to say here that I love everything she writes, which is absolutely true. I bought Love Warrior and Untamed pre-order because it was Glennon. But, I don’t know how many times you’ll let me get away with that trick 🙂
Her books are essentially memoirs, and she is unabashedly authentic. She tells stories that you would think twice (or fourteen times) about sharing and then still decide not to share. But, she puts it all out there in black and white. I found Glennon at a pivotal and difficult time in my life when I had the epiphany that life was super messy, but that’s what makes it beautiful. For some reason, I immediately went to Google and typed in “Messy Beautiful Life” and what came up was her book, “Carry on Warrior, The Power of Embracing Your Messy, Beautiful Life.” We’ve been buds from that point on.
Because of her books, I feel less alone in the world, and that it’s ok to make mistakes. I felt overwhelmed a few weeks ago and picked up Untamed for some inspiration. After skimming a few pages, I got the answer I needed (below). I’m not saying that the book will magically give you the answers you need. But, I’m not saying it won’t 🙂

5. Wolfpack by Abby Wambach
Because I follow Glennon on social, I came to know her wife, Abby Wambach, a U.S. Soccer gold medalist. Her book, Wolfpack, struck a particular chord for me because I was struggling with my feelings about women and how we are treated in the world. While I haven’t historically been an activist, I felt a pull to do something more. For such a small book, Wolfpack gave me massive direction and inspiration.
The book is simple, direct, and powerful. Women often play by rules that were designed by men and meant to marginalize women. We need to play by our own rules. Because Abby has been a powerhouse in professional sports, a space dominated by men, she has the experience to lay out eight new rules that will change the game (pun intended) for women. Her spirit is uplifting and makes you want to kick down a door or break a glass ceiling. Trust me, just read the book and then head over to the Professional Mom Squad, and let’s start a damn revolution.
6. The Untethered Soul by Michael Singer
This is probably the most life-changing book I’ve ever read. (I even bought copies and gave them out for Christmas one year.) Michael Singer’s main goal in The Untethered Soul is to help you reclaim your life by freeing yourself from… yourself. His lessons are similar to others like Eckhart Tolle and another one of my personal gurus, Pema Chodron. But, for some reason, Michael Singer delivers the message in a very tangible way.
It goes something like this: The universe has existed for years and years before us and is full of billions of people currently. Within this universe, life unfolds all around us, and for some reason, we feel that it should happen in the way we prefer based on our limited life experiences and we get upset when it doesn’t. Sounds pretty silly when you say it directly, right? Michael walks us through how life pushes our buttons, but if we allow life to happen naturally and let go of what comes up for us personally, we can enjoy our life. Count me in.
7. High Performance Habits by Brendon Burchard
If you follow Brendon Burchard you know that he is fueled by something other than coffee. His life mission is for all of us to succeed. And he believes we all can. In his estimation, high performers are not “born that way”, they simply engage in similar, learnable habits.
Organized around six key habits, this book is just packed with information on how to implement the habits, be a better performer, and be the best you. I have to reread parts of it now and then because it’s hard to absorb it all in one sitting. Don’t get me wrong. It is easy to read. But it’s densely packed with strategies. So, if you’re one of those…just tell me exactly what to do to be successful and I’ll do it types, get the book and do the things. You win.

8. Girls Who Run the World by Diana Kapp
This may seem like an odd choice because I think it is geared towards young women. But, my friend gave me this book to inspire me as I was trying to transition from a very difficult job situation to building something new. This book is a simple read and captures the stories of 31 women entrepreneurs. Some of the featured women have started mega-successful businesses, and other women have smaller, but notable companies. What they have in common is they are normal women who did not quit.
Whenever I need a little kick in the pants, I grab the book, read a quick profile, and then start trying to change the world again. This book is for any woman or young girl who wants to believe that her dream is as valid and as plausible as the dreams of the women in the book, if not more. If they can do it, so can she!
9. Recovery by Russell Brand
Russell Brand has a unique point of view of the world. I also love the way he talks. His rambling and emphatic style and mannerisms come through gloriously in this book. Recovery is Russell’s version of the classic 12-step program. In it, he talks candidly about his own struggles with drugs, alcohol, and sex and how working the program has “unf*cked” him.
While I haven’t been through a formal program myself, we all have our vices and sometimes make choices that are not in our long-term best interest. For many, it’s not whether you have bad habits and attachments, it’s how severe they are. Without diminishing its use and power to fight addiction, certain aspects of the 12-step program are good for everyone to employ to live a peaceful and fulfilling life. If you could stand to ditch some unhealthy dependencies, give this book a go. At the very least, you will be charmed and entertained along the way.
10. Birth Like a Feminist by Milli Hill
This too may seem like an odd choice. But, my passion is helping women realize the amazing power behind the journey of motherhood and, even more specifically, childbirth. As a result, this book feels like my bible.
Milli lays out how giving birth is a key human experience for women who choose to have kids. And yet, historically, childbirth has been something that has happened to women rather than been controlled by them. She encourages women to take charge and make conscious choices in the birth of their children. Further, she advocates that women be elevated to the most important person and key decision-maker in the birthing room. Y’all, this woman is speaking my language. If you are pregnant or plan to have children, READ THIS BOOK. It will unquestionably change your childbirth experience and your life for the better.
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