
Ep. 6: How to Manage Stress and Improve Wellness

by Theresa Bangert

Deanna tells us how to create the health and vitality of our dreams. 

I'm Theresa!

I'm a lawyer and mom of three boys ready to give you the scoop on all things a professional mom needs to know about.  Learn more about me here!


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Duh?  Don't we all?

Deanna Jimenez is an Integrative Health Coach who helps women optimize their wellness by identifying key imbalances keeping them from their wellness goals. Her own journey to health has instilled a passion for all things wellness-related and believes that everyone is worthy of not only a life of their dreams but also the health of their dreams.  

In this discussion with Deanna, she tells us how an accident left her with years of debilitating pain and medication.  After years of feeling like nothing would help, she found her way to a life of wellness. Now she teaches others how to create the health and vitality of their dreams. 

In this episode, Deanna teaches us:

  • The importance of identifying our internal and external stressors
  • Ways to manage these stressors (especially during COVID!)
  • Why you need more than a doctor to achieve a state of health and wellness (aka, feeling good all the time!)
  • The surprising ways that being proactive about your health and wellness can change your life.

Connect with Deanna at @deannamariejimenez.

Also, Deanna has created a Self-Love Challenge for February! Join to get a checklist of things to do during the month to show your body some love!

Check out her website: In the Name of Wellness.

If you’d like to join my email list to stay up to date on new podcast episodes, blog posts and courses here. Check out my free audio training on how to create time for what matters here.

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I'm Theresa, your new personal cheerleader.

I'm a professional working mom of three who lives in chaos daily and wouldn't have it any other way.  I believe we can kick ass in all aspects in life if we are willing to give up the struggle and enjoy the ride.  

My goal is to give you both a big picture vision and practical tips and strategies to live the personal and professional life of your dreams.   

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