
Ep. 7: Why You Are Never Too Old To Learn Ballet

by Theresa Bangert

Your dream of being a ballerina is about to come true.

I'm Theresa!

I'm a lawyer and mom of three boys ready to give you the scoop on all things a professional mom needs to know about.  Learn more about me here!


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Duh?  Don't we all?

Many young girls take ballet. Some even envision themselves as future ballerinas. But, like many dreams, they fade as we get older as we settle into more practical or intellectual pursuits. Still we may long for the days when being that graceful and elegant ballerina was still a possibility.

I’m excited to introduce you to Catherine Round. Catherine has almost 30 years behind her as a professional ballet dancer, choreographer for stage, film and television, a ballet instructor and coach for celebrities, competition and performance, a business owner and consultant. (Yeah, all that.)

In this episode, Catherine Round tells us why you can and should learn ballet at any age. (What?!) Yes, friend. You are NEVER too old. Get to Amazon and order those ballet slippers because you are back in business.

In the episode, Catherine talks about:

  • Why you should love ballet
  • Where to begin if you’re interested in learning ballet
  • How COVID affected her business and how she learned to pivot
  • Staying safe during COVID while still moving your body

You can find Catherine at C. Round Balletworks, where she offers live streaming classes over Zoom and classes on demand.

Equipment mentioned in the episode

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1. Women’s Ballet Slippers

2. Men’s Ballet Slippers

3. Marley Flooring/Dance Mat

4. Ballet Barres

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I'm Theresa, your new personal cheerleader.

I'm a professional working mom of three who lives in chaos daily and wouldn't have it any other way.  I believe we can kick ass in all aspects in life if we are willing to give up the struggle and enjoy the ride.  

My goal is to give you both a big picture vision and practical tips and strategies to live the personal and professional life of your dreams.   

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