
Ep. 8: Why Working Moms Need to Slow Down and How To Do It with Dr. Keisha Paxton

by Theresa Bangert

Tired of juggling? Let’s slow down a bit.

I'm Theresa!

I'm a lawyer and mom of three boys ready to give you the scoop on all things a professional mom needs to know about.  Learn more about me here!


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Duh?  Don't we all?

In this Episode:

Dr. Keisha Paxton is a Professor of Psychology and researcher. She is the creator of Working Women’s Wellbeing where she provides resources, coaching services, and professional development courses to help mid-career women manage the multiple roles they play so that they can pursue goals they are excited about and live joy-filled lives.

In this episode, Keisha and I talk about the struggle working women have slowing down their daily lives. When women are juggling so many roles, including caretaker, they often forget that they need to take care of themselves.

The need for self-care and downtime is crucial to living a healthy and happy life. But, self-care is not just about booking a massage. Listen to learn more about taking care of your well-being.

No time to take care of yourself? Well, be sure to download my free audio training on how to create time for what matters.

Where to find Keisha:

Do you need to slow down? (Come on…we all do, right?). Join Keisha’s free Press Pause 5-Day Rest Challenge. The live challenge starts February 22, 2021: bit.ly/gopause

Check out WorkingWomensWellbeing.com for resources and services for working mothers.

Join Keisha’s free Facebook group here.   

Follow her on Instagram: @keishapaxton

Join my email list to stay up to date on new podcast episodes, blog posts and courses here. Check out my free audio training on how to create time for what matters here.

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I'm Theresa, your new personal cheerleader.

I'm a professional working mom of three who lives in chaos daily and wouldn't have it any other way.  I believe we can kick ass in all aspects in life if we are willing to give up the struggle and enjoy the ride.  

My goal is to give you both a big picture vision and practical tips and strategies to live the personal and professional life of your dreams.   

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