
Ep 13. Connection, Belonging and the Lies We Tell Ourselves

by Theresa Bangert

In this podcast episode, Cat Moore talks about a subject near and dear to her heart: our need for connection with others. Until her mid 20’s, Cat was so shy that she had trouble making eye contact in public. Through the slow, organic process of being present in her local cafes, she came to discover […]

I'm Theresa!

I'm a lawyer and mom of three boys ready to give you the scoop on all things a professional mom needs to know about.  Learn more about me here!


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Duh?  Don't we all?

In this podcast episode, Cat Moore talks about a subject near and dear to her heart: our need for connection with others.

Until her mid 20’s, Cat was so shy that she had trouble making eye contact in public. Through the slow, organic process of being present in her local cafes, she came to discover the power of listening, generosity, and other micro-gestures of friendliness to create community.  She believes that community is not only possible for each of us, but it is a basic human right and a condition for human flourishing.

Cat currently serves USC as the first Director of Belonging in the history of American higher education. She is the course designer + instructor for CLICK!, which has gained national attention. She is also the CEO of Re-human, a company that empowers digital users to connect on purpose on + off-screen. For the last 7 years she has partnered with leaders across industries to prototype models for organic connecting.

You can learn more about Cat on her website and follow her on Instagram at @Cat_Moore_

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I'm Theresa, your new personal cheerleader.

I'm a professional working mom of three who lives in chaos daily and wouldn't have it any other way.  I believe we can kick ass in all aspects in life if we are willing to give up the struggle and enjoy the ride.  

My goal is to give you both a big picture vision and practical tips and strategies to live the personal and professional life of your dreams.   

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