What did you want to be when you grew up? When I was in elementary school, I wanted to be a teacher. The next year a journalist and then the next year, a teacher again. I ended up becoming a finance and bankruptcy attorney.
Didn’t you get the impression when you were young that you got one choice? What was THE thing that you were going to be when you grew up?
In this episode, I talk about how our profession or lack one causes people to draw conclusions about us. It reminds me of The Breakfast Club, where Brian (played by Anthony Michael Hall) says “You see us as you want to see us: in the simplest terms, in the most convenient definitions.”
I am a mom and also a lawyer. When you see me with my three kids in Target, you may not expect I’m a lawyer. When you know I’m a lawyer, you may assume I don’t have tattoos and dance on tables. In both instances, you have sized me up incorrectly.
In response to the question “Who do you think you are?”, the Breakfast Club responds that during that Saturday in detention they found out that each one them was a brain, and an athlete and a basketcase and a princess and a criminal. So, five brain/athlete/basketcase/princess/criminals.
I am a lawyer/mommy/dancer/podcaster/chef/spartan/party planner. I know you are not just one thing either. Even though it feels like it sometimes. Let’s collectively embrace the backslash. Be everything you’ve always wanted to be. Do the things that set your heart on fire.
Enjoy the episode!
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