I'm Theresa.

A lawyer, educator and mom of three boys who helps professional women navigate pregnancy and motherhood like the bad ass women we are.  I'm laying out all my hard-earned knowledge and strategies so you can feel confident, empowered and hit the ground running.  We're in this together.

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hey friend.

If you're lucky, you'll have the privilege of bringing another human into this world.  But, you've also got goals, passions, a career.  One minute you're killing it at work and the next you're crying because you've slept three hours in two days and smell like spit-up.   It's the journey.  But, this hot mess is making you stronger every damn day, sister.  

Buckle up girl, you're in for the ride of your life.

You do not get to decide what is thrown your way. But you sure as hell get to decide what you make of it.

- Me, last week

I'm Theresa, your personal cheerleader and coach.

I'm a professional working mom of three who lives in chaos daily and wouldn't have it any other way. I believe we can kick ass in all aspects in life if we are willing to give up the struggle and enjoy the ride.  My goal is to give mamas both a big picture vision and practical tips and strategies to live the personal and professional life of their dreams.   

more about me

hey there!